Old-time Hymns and Beer Combine for Joyful Noise in Tenn.

  The beer flows freely in Nashville, and Gallup polling just placed Tennessee in the nation’s top 10 most religious states, but those two facts tend not to overlap. A growing exception: an interdenominational Beer and Hymn Sing group that first met in November to do exactly what its name says and nothing else. They don’t talk doctrine. There’s no prayer or Bible study. Once a quarter, they pack the dark upstairs bar at MadDonna’s in East Nashville to sing centuries-old favorites. The last one kicked off with “Amazing Grace,” ended with “Go Now in Peace” and featured classics such as “How Great Thou Art” in between. The organizer, Geoff Little, said he got the idea from seeing soccer fans in London and Dublin pubs switch seamlessly from singing fight songs to singing “Be Thou My Vision.” He believed it would be a way to draw Generation X and Y friends to a religious gathering outside the classic venues for those. Want to read more? Please click…


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