Notes from the Style Pile

The following is from another beer site; an amusing tale that examines a rather exotic (for most tasters) style: Gueze. Hard to get in many parts of the country. Wiki entry blurb and link follows.

-The Professor

Courtesy of
Courtesy of

“I was drinking with a girl sometime earlier this summer who appreciated my appreciation of beer. She was a beer appreciator appreciator. But she didn’t really drink the stuff herself. More of a cocktails and wine kinda gal, she found beer bland. Fizzy, foamy, bloating, watery, and flavorless. ‘Not what I drink,’ I told her.”

“‘Show me.'”

“I started with a bottle of the brilliant Boulevard Smokestack Saison-Brett.”

“‘Tastes like beer,’ she said.”

“But it has funky Brettanomyces in it! Without question you have never had something with Brett it in before.”

“‘Tastes like beer,’ she reiterated.”


“Gueuze (or Geuze) is a type of lambic, a Belgian beer. It is made by blending young (1-year-old) and old (2–3-year-old) lambics into a new beer, which is then bottled for a second fermentation. Because the young lambic is not fully fermented, it contains fermentable sugars, which allow the second fermentation to occur. Lambic that undergoes a second fermentation in the presence of sour cherries before bottling results in kriek, a beer closely related to Geuze.”

“Since Gueuze is made by blending lambics, it tastes different from traditional ale and pilsner style beers. Because aged hops are used to produce these lambics, the beer has little to none of the traditional hop bitterness that can be found in most other styles of beer.”


Inspection- Grinding Sausage

A special cross post here at Professor Good Ale’s page by the author from the LTS columnist section due to content.

Inspection is a Column that’s written by Ken Carman

I just quit writing.


Continue reading “Inspection- Grinding Sausage”

Sweetwater’s Happy Ending

Reviewed by Ken Carman

How do they get this much grain into one bottle? This ale, weighing in at 9%, is thick, chewy: a champagne-sized Grolsch-style bottle filled with liquid luxury. Normally I would type that it’s extract-y, but the complex malt mix of pale, many darker malts and a lot of dextrinous malts are so velvet upon the palette it is irresistible for those of us who desire a 2 by 4 malt weight upon the tongue.

The hops, though present, get a bit lost in all this malt, but the beverage doesn’t suffer. And it’s not malt-bitter in the way that such multi-grain concoctions can be. Debittered dark malts?

The advertising on the bottle, and some reviews, push the hops a bit too much, in my opinion. Not that they’re absent by any means, just not quite the “explosive finish” as some claim; especially for those of us who are also fans of over 100 IBU Imperial IPAs. Just enough to balance off the darker, sweeter, malt notes. So what exactly do would I call this style? Even the brewery claims it’s a Russian Imperial, but I don’t get any sense of roasted, unmalted, barley. The usual, at least slight, astringent notes are absent and, to be honest, it’s just too complex even for Imperial Stout. I think they went so far with this in the “smooth” category they went beyond Imperial Stout. Perhaps a bit more of a spin off of Baltic Porter, sans lager yeast?

Whatever it really is, it’s delicious.

Club Update: Escambia Bay Brewers

Pensacola, FL/Emerald Coast area

Ralph was admitted to the West Florida hospital on Friday. His Hemoglobin was extremely low. He has been given several units of blood and is feeling much better. He thinks he will be released sometime Monday. He is in room 403 at West Florida hospital. Ralph is historically one of the most important members of our club and as had some impact on every member and a direct impact on most. Let’s all pray for his speedy recover. Yes I said the “P” word (pray). Hopefully the ACLU won’t be having me arrested in the next couple days!

See you this afternoon at Hopjacks.

Pat Johnson


Event: Beer Club Meeting
Date: Sunday, September 20, 2009
Start Time: 4:00 pm
End Time: 7:00 pm
Location: Hopjacks Pub on Palafox Place
Details: Starts at 4:00pm. Bring Beer!!!

Hopjacks’ site

From Pat…

Beerfest – First off want to thank everyone that helped make the beer fest one of the best we’ve ever had (I already thanked God for the weather). It will be some time before we know how many folks attended and all the details but it was good. Everyone I spoke to said it was great and had NO complaints. The Beach event also went well and even the Sunday morning breakfast went off without a hitch.

Continue reading “Club Update: Escambia Bay Brewers”

Emerald Coast Beer Fest

The Professor would have pictures, but his camera was dead. One participant promised to send him pictures, so they will be posted when they arrive on the Professor’s digital doorstep.

Friday was a jam packed affair at the Seville Quarter, a French Quarter like restaurant in downtown Pensacola. There had to be thousands there sampling beer from the likes of Yazoo, Left Hand, McGuires, Abita, Dogfish, Oskar’s Blues: just to mention a few, and nine homebrew clubs from the Southeast and all across the Emerald Coast: Florida, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana. Days Inn had two buses running every 15 minutes back and forth between Pensacola Beach and Pensacola… taking revelers safely; often noisily, across two bridges.

Saturday started early with beach Olympics and plenty of beer… of course. It was overcast and rained occasionally: but that dampened no spirits; not even the corny keg kind. The beer was still marvelous. Then Saturday night there were at least 60 barleywine fanatics drooling over at least 50 high octane entries brought by one and all to Big Bob’s Barleywine Bash. To be honest there’s was enough that some will be brought back next year. For many it was a late night and a groggy morning.

More pictures may follow.

  McGuires bagpipes blessed the event as they do every year. (Picture from 08.)
McGuires bagpipes blessed the event as they do every year. (Picture from 08.)