Recipe for White House Beer May Be Released

White House/Pete Souza

Posted by Kat Lucerno at

Site unclear regarding actual authorship

Beer enthusiasts may soon be able to craft their own version of the White House honey ale. That is, for a few thousand online signatures.

White House spokesperson Jay Carney recently announced on Twitter that the administration will unveil the beer’s recipe once a petition for this request receives 25,000 signatures by September 17.

As of writing this post, the petition still needs 16,055 signatures.

The presidential brew received plenty of media attention last week after a Reddit user demanded the White House to release the recipe using a request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). In response to the inquiry, Carney originally told the media he’s not “aware of any plans” by the administration to dispense the techniques and the rest of the ingredients (reports say the honey comes from the beehive on the first lady’s garden).

The petition, created on August 18, already existed before the FOIA submission. According to the “We the People” section of the White House website, officials will review an appeal, send it to “the appropriate policy experts and issue an official response” once it gets enough support. The description doesn’t sound like there’s a guarantee that the administration will grant the petition’s wishes, but Carney’s announcement could be a change of heart.

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