Thanksgiving Beer Profile #2 SweetWater Festive Ale

Profiled by Ken Carman for

Word of advice: wax seal is fine, but make damn sure the consumer can get to the bloody cap, OK?

Sweet malt sense to the mouthfeel with darker malts that provide a nice medium body: probably caramel with brown malt-like sense.

The aroma is a hint of Allspice, cinnamon. Sweet nose: tad sugary malt sense. Appearance Stout black with some highlights on the edge of the glass and rock head that holds. Brown malt like complexity that has a sweet sense with a hint of spice. That’s the best aspect of this beer.

This is everything is should be, just needs more of what it should be. Be more aggressive! Honestly? Boring, otherwise. As a real kick your tail hefty malt, spice laden, abv push, brooding dark, complex, malt wonder, it would be sought out by beer geeks everywhere.

“Strong Ale?” Not really, SweetWater. More of a Brown Ale. Not bad for that.

You wimped out, SweetWater.

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