The Beer Nut: Notch Session Brings “Session” Beers to America

Written by Norman Miller for GateHouse News Service

Big alcohol beers with high alcohol content are fine, but Chris Lohring said he noticed something was missing in the craft beer world: a highly flavorful beer that low in alcohol.

Lohring wanted to do something about that, and last year he started Notch Session, a brewery in Ipswich, Mass., that skips past the big beers that are so popular today for lower-alcohol “session” beers.

“I’ve been called everything from lunatic to crazy (for starting Notch Session),” Lohring said.

Lohring was the founder and brewer of the now-defunct Tremont Brewery, and ran it from 1993 to 2002. After that, he left the brewing industry because, he said, he was burned out.

It was at that time, he said, that he had an “epiphany.”

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