The Bluebonnet: Winners

Bluebonnet Brew-off 2002 Winners

Homebrew Club of the Year
Foam Rangers
North Texas Homebrewers Association
Best of Show
Bob Carbone

Shreveport Urban Diastatic Sparges
Northern German Pilsner

Homebrewer of the Year
Richard Dobson

Red River Brewers

Category Winners

1. American Lager
Dean Fikar Cowtown Cappers Classic American Pilsner 2001 Classic American Pilsner
Richard Dobson Red River Brewers Hog Heaven Pilsner Classic American Pilsner
James Grady Knights of the Brown Bottle Autum Metor Light/Standard/Premium
Honorable Mention Wes & Nancy Sampson BATF American Dark lager Dark
2. European Pale Lager
Bob Carbone Shreveport Urban Diastatic Sparges German Pilsner Northern German Pilsner
Jim Youngmeyer Foam Rangers Jimbo’s Bohemian Pils Bohemian Pilsner
Erik Nelson Cloudy Town Brewers Czech Mate Pilsner Bohemian Pilsner
Honorable Mention Steve Vallancourt BATF Munich Helles HalfAss Muenchner Helles
3. Light Ale
James Grady Knights of the Brown Bottle Cold Cream Ale Cream Ale
Steve Vallancourt BATF Typical Blond Blond Ale
Richard Dobson Red River Brewers Hay Maker Wheat American Wheat
4. Bitter and English Pale Ale
Ed Measom Central Florida Home Brewers Ed’s ESB #113 Strong Bitter/English Pale Ale
Josanna Pociask NET Hoppers Bonehead Brewing Josie’s Pride Special or Best Bitter
Joe Formanek Urban Knaves of Grain Anticipation Esb Strong Bitter/English Pale Ale
5. Scottish Ales
Gloria Solheim High Plains Draughters Scottish Edge Export 80/
Bev Blackwood Foam Rangers Lost Scotch Export 80/
Doug Nett North Texas Homebrewers Association McDougal’s Export 80/
6. American Pale Ales
Jim Youngmeyer Foam Rangers Jimbo’s APA American Pale Ale
Kuyler Doyle Foam Rangers Cascade Ale American Pale Ale
Ted Luft NET Hoppers Lufty’s Pale Ale American Pale Ale
7. India Pale Ale
Jeff Oberlin Bay Area Society of Homebrewers Pita IPA India Pale Ale
Kuyler Doyle Foam Rangers Cascade Ale India Pale Ale
Kuyler Doyle Foam Rangers IPA Lot 2 India Pale Ale
8. Koelsch and Altbier
Kathy & Robert Orahood Foam Rangers Don Chico’s Kolsch Koelsch-Style Ale
Jim Layton North Texas Homebrewers Association Altered Ale Northern German Altbier
Kathy & Robert Orahood Foam Rangers Don Chico’s Other Kolsch Koelsch-Style Ale
9. German Amber Lager
Russ Bee North Texas Homebrewers Association Oktober in Texas Fest Oktoberfest/Maerzen
James Paige Foam Rangers Stairway Vienna Vienna Lager
Russ Bee North Texas Homebrewers Association Ludwig’s Special Reserve Oktoberfest/Maerzen
10. Brown Ale
Phil Lawrence NET Hoppers How now Brown Cow American Brown Ale
Carl Minion BATF None American Brown Ale
Joe Formanek Urban Knaves of Grain Big Time Brown American Brown Ale
Honorable Mention James Paige Foam Rangers Stairway brown American Brown Ale
11. English and Scottish Strong Ale
John R. Griffiths Fayetteville Lovers of Pure Suds (FLOPS) Milligan’s Wee Heavy Strong Scotch Ale (Wee Heavy)
Dan Humphrey Primetime Brewers Millenium Old Ale Old Ale
Jeff Nolte North Texas Homebrewers Association Ploughman’s Old Ale Old Ale
12. Barleywine and Imperial Stout
Joe Lindsey Foam Rangers Ooby Dooby Barelywine American-Style Barleywine
Joe Lindsey Foam Rangers Good Golly Miss Molly Barleywine American-Style Barleywine
Joe Formanek Urban Knaves of Grain Little Tsarina Imperial Stout Russian Imperial Stout
13. European Dark Lager
Richard Dobson Red River Brewers Deliverance Dunkel Munich Dunkel
Wes & Nancy Sampson BATF Munich Dunkel Munich Dunkel
Douglas Jager Shreveport Urban Diastatic Sparges Rabenschwarz Schwarzbier (Black Beer)
14. Bock
Brian Moorcroft Fellowship of Oklahoma Ale Makers (FOAM) None Doppelbock
Michael Porter NET Hoppers Siobhan Beer Traditional Bock
Russ Bee North Texas Homebrewers Association I’ll be bock Traditional Bock
15. Porter
Joe Scivicque North Texas Homebrewers Association Garage Floor Porter Robust Porter
Ed Measom Central Florida Home Brewers London Porter #111 Brown Porter
Paul Solheim High Plains Draughters High Plains Posse Porter Robust Porter
16. Stout
Joe Lindsey Foam Rangers Midnight Special Sweet Stout Sweet Stout
Bev Blackwood Foam Rangers Desert Christmas Dry Stout
Randy Pierson Brew Bobs Memorial Stout Foreign Extra Stout
Honorable Mention Joe Lindsey Foam Rangers Rude Awakening Dry Stout Dry Stout
17. Wheat Beer
Wes & Nancy Sampson BATF Weizen Bock Weizenbock
Steve Vallancourt BATF Half Ass Weizen Bavarian Weizen
John W. Karmazin Fellowship of Oklahoma Ale Makers (FOAM) Boiling Cauldron from the depths of Hell Weizen Weizenbock
18. Strong Belgian Ale
Robert Wietor Central Florida Home Brewers Thy Trappist Be Dark Ale Belgian Strong Dark Ale
Richard Graham Knights of the Brown Bottle Trippel Play Tripel
Paul N. Doxey North Texas Homebrewers Association Tripel Trubbel Tripel
19. Belgian and French Ale
Russ Bee North Texas Homebrewers Association Alex’s Special Reserve Biere de Garde
Robert Gulley Fellowship of Oklahoma Ale Makers (FOAM) None Saison
Shawn Scott Fellowship of Oklahoma Ale Makers (FOAM) Saison de Lemay Saison
20. Lambic and Belgian Sour Ale
Robert Wietor Central Florida Home Brewers Beter EEN Bruinje In De Hand? Ale Flanders Red Ale
Robert Wietor Central Florida Home Brewers Bgosh it’s Good Lambic Straight (Unblended) Lambic-Style Ale
Kuyler Doyle Foam Rangers Ned Flanders Red Flanders Red Ale
21. Fruit Beer
Val Bee North Texas Homebrewers Association Just Peachy Fruit Beer
Jeffery S. Swearengin Fellowship of Oklahoma Ale Makers (FOAM) J’s Red Raspberry Tart V.S.O.P. Fruit Beer
Dan Humphrey Primetime Brewers Raspberry Winter Wheat Fruit Beer
22. Spice/Herb/Vegetable Beer
Dean Fikar Cowtown Cappers Serrano Cream Ale Spice/Herb/Vegatable Beer
Barbara Theall Red River Brewers A Winters Knight Spice/Herb/Vegatable Beer
Kenneth Seal Ale-ians Society Angry Seal Winterfest Spice/Herb/Vegatable Beer
23. Smoke-Flavored Beer
Steve Hacker North Texas Homebrewers Association Ol’Smokey Rye Other Smoked Beer
Dennis Evans NET Hoppers Clear Fork Rauchbier Classic Rauchbier
Richard Dobson Red River Brewers Rausch and Roll Classic Rauchbier
24. Specialty/Experimental/Historical
Infected Angels Red River Brewers Sweet nectar Specialty, Experimental, Historical
Richard Harris North Texas Homebrewers Association Frogspit Ale Specialty, Experimental, Historical
Val Bee North Texas Homebrewers Association Mocha Madness Specialty, Experimental, Historical
25. Traditional Mead & Braggot
Ray Wilson Jr. Fellowship of Oklahoma Ale Makers (FOAM) Tripel-7 Braggot
Darrell Simon North Texas Homebrewers Association Nectar Traditional Mead
Guy Munster Foam Rangers Desert Morning Varietal Honey Traditional Mead
26. Fruit & Vegetable Mead
Burt M Renard High Plains Draughters Blackberry Mead Other Fruit Melomel and Vegatable Mead
Burt M Renard High Plains Draughters Raspberry Mead Other Fruit Melomel and Vegatable Mead
Preston C. Hoover Central Florida Home Brewers Black and Red Other Fruit Melomel and Vegatable Mead
27. Herb & Spice Mead
Rett Blankenship North Texas Homebrewers Association Cinnamon Honey Bun Metheglin
Steve Vallancourt BATF The Captain Metheglin
Bob Rescinito High Plains Draughters Jamaican Mead Metheglin
Honorable Mention Don Lake Central Florida Home Brewers Hazy Nuts Metheglin
28. Cider
Donald Sajda Kuykendahl Grand Brewers Cherry Cider Specialty Cider and Perry
Richard Dobson Red River Brewers 38D Pear Cider Standard Cider and Perry
Richard Dobson Red River Brewers Black Widow Cider Standard Cider and Perry

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