Ye Olde Scribe Presents: Anatomy of a REALLY Bad Beer

“Liquid barf in a bottle!”

Barrelhouse Red Leggs Ale: An All American Deep Red Ale

Damn those infernal Commie Red Ales. If this bottle were truly representative of the best Americans can do we’d be speaking Russian, Scribe doesn’t do other languages well. Someone would have to LENIN him a hand.

But he doesn’t blame the brewer…

The past two profiles Scribe complained about Butter Buds. Well, there’s some of that here, but Scribe guesses that this may be the fault of the distributor. He had this many years ago at the brewpub when he traveled south to visit a friend who only comes around Scribe’s Anti-Archie Bunker up north every once in a while.

It wasn’t this bad.

Adam and Eve might never have eaten the apple if it tasted this sour. Yes, our “deer” friend acetaldehyde pops off the old apple tree like a doe trying to avoid the worst fruit in the garden. There ain’t nothing here else but sour apple. makes Jolly Rancher taste like caviar in comparison.

Red? Well, kinda sorta. Otherwise looks good in the glass, but Scribe wondered at first sip if the glass might have tasted better. Of course it could have been the fault of the brewer, but considering memories of a past savoring; probably NOT.

Stored too long at high temps? Since it was more than a bit flat, oxidation due to loosened caps? There are many reasons.

Authors at The Professor’s site are responsible for the accuracy of their comments.

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