Ye Olde Scribe Hoppy Beer Report’

“In IPA lore, less isn’t more! Want a hoppy day? You could get Six Hop IPA.”

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Not the most hoppy IPA ever, but delightful: and Scribe means “IPA: American.” NOT Imperial. Scribe’s tongue tingled. Cascade? Yes. Amarillo? Guess not, but the sense was there. Scribe would suggest altering the hopping schedule just to make this IPA unfold like a fine hop drama. They all kind of blend together, but very enjoyable.

Other net info says: Cascade, Cluster, Perle, Sterling, Willamette and Tettnanger… and they use roasted barley? How… STOUT… of them.

Bronze, like a burnished statue. Hop and caramel malt aroma. A Caramel-like/Munich malt feel fills the mouth. A bit earthy in aroma, as well as citrus. Taste follows aroma like a faithful puppy dog. But Whole hog is no dog amongst IPAs.

From the Stevens Point Brewery in Stevens Point, WI.

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