Yeast & Brett Fermented Strong Ale – Tasting Notes


Beer: Interlopers
Brewery: Bear Flavored
Style: Strong Ale / Wild Ale
Brewed: 10.25.2013
Bottled: 2.6.2014
ABV: 7.8%

Appearance: hazy ruby brown, thin head, very little retention, fading to dark copper at edges
Smell: cherry cordial, tart grapes, plum, fruity funk, oak, vanilla, woodsy, Cantillon-esque
Taste: tart fruit, cherry, dry grape skin, plum, mild oak, tart finish / rich malt contrast, slight acidity
Mouthfeel: medium body, medium carbonation, dry finish, vinous

For the last couple years, I’ve noticed an interesting trend in my brewing: the more experimental the beer, the more I’m going out on a limb from tradition, the more consistently enjoyable my results seem to be. I’m talking a small margin here, but considering that you’d expect experimental brews to be the most hit-or-miss, it’s a rather strange discrepancy. Not that I’m brewing each of these beers repeatedly just yet — maybe they’ll all prove be impossible to replicate successfully and I’m just a lucky hack — but it seems bizarre to me that my Brett beers always seem to emerge free of off-flavors, while I’ve had plenty of batches of stuff as simple as a porter come out mediocre.

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