We Want Beer: Prohibition And The Will To Imbibe

Nobody could hazard a guess at how many thousands of mugs of beer had been served over the old mahogany bar at Weis Brothers Saloon. Bartender John Mich, who had manned the beer taps at the Milwaukee watering hole since the 1890s, probably could have come closest in his estimate if he had tried. But it seemed only a matter of trivia now for the 20 or so patrons gathered in the back room of the establishment. After all, there was a funeral at hand. They had come together to pay their final respects to their beloved old friend, John Barleycorn.

None in attendance was consoled by the fact that the dearly departed was a mere character of fiction, immortalized in song as the mythical personification of beer. On the contrary, as the ceremony began, some stifled tears, including Mich, whose moans and gurgles were loudest. With hands folded and heads bowed, the somber group encircled the casket, which was artfully decorated with floral tributes placed inside beer mugs and lit candles stuck in liquor bottles.

Saloon employee William Graf delivered the eulogy. “John Barleycorn was foully murdered,” thundered Graf, “and his body found in the back yard of legislation!”

The black-dressed pallbearers then carried John Barleycorn’s earthly remains out of the saloon to the nearby banks of the Milwaukee River. Accompanied by a soft chorus of “Sweet Adeline,” they lowered the casket into the water. (That his final resting place be eternally wet seemed only fitting.) Empty beer bottles, for lack of roses, were tossed in after the sinking casket. The loud splash of the saloon’s cash register being hurled into the river punctuated the ceremony’s conclusion.

The passing of John Barleycorn, of course, meant the demise of Weis Brothers Saloon and thousands just like it all over America. For beer drinkers everywhere, the taps would soon run dry. The year was 1919 and the nation had just ratified what later historians would call “the noble experiment.” Within one year, National Prohibition would officially be under way.

Dry Roots Run Deep

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Brew Biz: Werts and All

The Topic: No Truth in Advertising

Ken Carman is a BJCP judge; homebrewer since 1979, club member at Escambia Bay, Clarksville Carboys and Music City Homebrewers, who has been interviewing professional brewers all over the east coast for over 15 years.

 ”True Pilsner?”
 No, not “really.”
 Aside from the fact Miller loves to use corn, which really isn’t part of tradition of a “true” Pilsner, let’s go with the fact what they’re calling “Pilsner” traditionally comes from Plzeň (Pilsen), in the Czech Republic. It once was a very specific style with water chemistry specific to the region and certainly didn’t have corn in it, or adjuncts: period. Continue reading “Brew Biz: Werts and All”

A Beer-y Good Story

Beer-y   “Very,” or “Beer-y,” good?
 Well, in such things perspective matters, So we shall see, but as with all things in life it’s the adventure.
  My readers may notice fewer Brew Biz columns, and fewer Beer Judge columns in the future. The reason is simple: I was diagnosed as diabetic recently, not so recently, and somewhere in the middle.
  Let’s just say that with today’s health care system communication royally sucks sometimes. And this started long before the much ranted about “Obamacare.” With business money crunchers hovering over doctors I’ve noticed way too many less than desirable changes over the years. Getting rid of result lines via the phone, severely limiting access to your doc, limiting how much time one can spend with your GP… all just a few symptoms. The real problem with the mislabeled Obamacare is it’s still the same old bad actors reluctantly giving, often denying. Should be called “corporate care 2.0.”
 Yes, this started long before 2 years ago when I found open sores on my feet. But let’s start there. Continue reading “A Beer-y Good Story”

Maria Devan @ Bandwagon: Ithaca, NY

I just put Roguer on the road to Syracuse and I am always sorry to see the weekend end. He and I got the chance to go to Bandwagon… 

Brewpub while he was here and hear from a reliable source that Lars is no longer the brewer there. They have someone else so I was very excited to try their beer. I thought there were some interesting brews there and at least one or two that were exceptional.

First up The Pilsen Schmilsson. Once you see it you will think exactly that. This is no pilsener. It’s cloudy and looks like grapefruit juice. Whitish yellow. On the menu it is called a pale steam lager. At first there was some banana up front on the nose. Soft sweet malt, no real banana in the drink and a fruity middle. Is it a hefe? Crackery malt dries this one out as it drinks and there is a touch of grass and bitterness int he finish. Leaves soapy and splotchy lace. A bit of spice in the aftertaste and I wondered what is up with this beer? By the time I finished it I liked it more than when I smelled the banana and was reading the word pilsen.
Continue reading “Maria Devan @ Bandwagon: Ithaca, NY”

Beer Profile: Straight to Ale’s Illudium

Profiled by Ken Carman for PGA

Beer-Profile1-258x300staiillPours like 30 weight motor oil. Slight off white head with hazy , amber to red highlights. Head fades very fast into nothingness, like a brief visit by a pleasant ghost with a pillow-like appearance.

The nose is cognac with some slightly darker malts in the background. Sweet overtones from the cognac and the deeply carmelized malt

Balance-wise a little more beer might help, but to be honest it is already liquid nirvana. Smooth, the cognac provides higher abv over tones and a sensationally sweet that’s not unlike carmelized white sugar. It’s sweet nature is perfect, background yet assertive behind the cognac. Fruit-wise it’s ike an incredible, carmelized, cross between a grapefruit, grapes and a plum.3

93: Beer Advocate. No rating at this time Rate Beer.

Mouthfeel is very sight carmelization followed a strong, assertive cognac sense, a hint of. Heavy side of medium body.

Here’s what Straight to Ale says about Illudium…

Illudium is a rich, complex English-style old ale that is aged for six months in a cognac barrel. Sweet, dark and potent with vinous notes and an alcohol warmth, Illudium is highly sought after as only a small quantity is released each January.

This is superb. Wine-like. The balance is close to perfect and everything presents well.



Welcome to the PGA beer rating system: one beer “Don’t bother.” Two: Eh, if someone gives it to you, drink. Three: very good, go ahead and seek it out, but be aware there is at least one problem. Four: seek it out. Five: pretty much “perfecto.”


________________________________________________Beer HERE

FredricmartianKen Carman was raised by wild yeast on the fermentation plains of Moosesylvania. There is no truth to him having grown up near NYC, but not so secretly longing to live in the Adirondacks. Or that he did. Or that he moved to Tennessee. Or that when he retires he’ll move back. Or that he started brewing in 79cause most of the selections sucked. Or that he’s a BJCP judge, a columnist. it’s all lies. Right now he’s still thinking it’s all true as he sucks down Miller in the Matrix, but dreams of more complicated quaffs.

Homebrewing During Prohibition

pgahistoryMother’s in the kitchen Washing out the jugs; Sister’s in the pantry Bottling the suds; Father’s in the cellar Mixing up the hops; Johnny’s on the front porch Watching for the cops
–Poem by a New York state Rotary Club member during Prohibition

Prohibition accentuated the “home” in homebrewing.

Many American families recount and cherish tales of grandpa’s inept experimental attempts to brew beer in the kitchen and grandma’s gallant efforts to hide the results from Prohibition agents. Although most homebrewers practiced their hobbies with minimal adverse consequences, this homebrewing boom did have a casualty: the reputation of homebrewing.

In an era when intoxicating liquors were illegal, the ingredients to produce them were not. “For so long as the fruits of the orchard, the grain and roots of the field remain, the distiller and home-brewer have an inexhaustible supply of the raw material for producing alcohol. It is a matter of common notoriety that we are becoming a nation of adepts in the making of intoxicants,” wrote John Koren, author of Alcohol and Society, in his essay “Inherent Frailties of Prohibition.”

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Light beer heading toward 10-year low in sales

pgahistoryAmerican consumers are starting to turn their back on light beers in favor of frou-frou drinks.

This change in taste buds will send domestic light beers sales toward a 10-year low in 2015, according to a recent report by Shanken News Daily. Since its peak in 2008, domestic light beer sales have fallen by 8.3 million barrels in the United States, a decline of 8 percent, according to the Impact Databank. In fact, Americans have been drinking less beer overall. Americans’ per capita beer consumption has decreased 20 percent since the early 1990s, according to the Gallup survey in 2012.

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