A Beer-y Good Story: 2014 Beaver River Beer Tasting

Mark’s sister: so enthralled by her host’s braggot she was closing her eyes to savor. Nah, I was just a meanie: and snapped her pic real fast. The hats are actual an growth one gets from attending the tasting and leaving too damn soon!!!-kwc
 Ken’s annual Beaver River Beer tasting always provides good stories. -the Professor
Beer-y   Once again we met @ 168 Railroad Street to savor weird commercial brews, homebrews, wine and beer from vino king and brewmeister Mark Franey (me thinks he must hide his brew kettles beneath his kilt he brings so much) and his lovely sister: KT.
  A short history: a tale about The Beaver River Beer Tasting. While I’m from New York State originally I moved to Nashville, TN in the late 70s because as bad as the economy was: upstate NY was worse. We both needed jobs and I wanted to work somewhere in the music industry. (I did and sort of do… long non-related story.) I started homebrewing after moving there: not connected except I just happened to run into one of the first homebrewing stores since Carter made it legal.
  I still missed my beloved Adirondacks which I have always considered home. So in 2005, I think 2005, we bought our retirement shack in my fav town: Beaver River, NY. No roads reach Beaver River, and they didn’t have any DSCN0711craft beer at the time. So in 2006 I held the first Beaver River Beer Tasting. Sometime around 2010/2011 Mark Franey started coming on board, a great homebrewer from Number Four, NY, and shared his beer and wine, even bringing his bagpipes and wearing his kilt.
  Other years he just came naked.
  I’m kidding.
  And, as always, it helps he brings his beatific sister: KT.
  On to the tale… Continue reading “A Beer-y Good Story: 2014 Beaver River Beer Tasting”