“Craft Beer’s Muse” Fred Eckhardt Has Died at 89


Fred Eckhardt, arguably the most influential person in the history of Oregon beer, passed away today. He was 89 years old.

Echkhardt rose to prominence as the author of A Treatise on Lager Beers, a homebrewing guide published before the practice was officially legalized in this country. In 1989 he published his masterwork, The Essentials of Beer Style.

A longtime contributor to Celebrator beer magazine and the namesake of Hair of the Dog’s flagship beer, Fred, he was known, liked and respected in the Portland beer scene and around the world. His many contributions to craft beer culture include popularizing cheese as an ideal pairing partner to beer and increasing American awareness and appreciation for sake.

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Angry Orchard recalls cider for possible explosion hazard

Angry Orchard issued a voluntary recall of some bottles of Crisp Hard Apple Cider. It said re-fermentation of the alcoholic beverage may cause the bottles to burst under pressure. (Source: Angry Orchard)

(RNN) – Angry Orchard Cider Company announced a voluntary recall of its Crisp Hard Apple Cider for concerns the bottles may “burst under increased pressure.”

A news release Thursday from the FDA said the Cincinnati-based company’s recall pertains to cases, 12-packs and six-packs of the alcoholic beverage. People reported to Angry Orchard that some bottles had broken, or the beverage would overflow when opened.

No injuries have been reported.

Angry Orchard said cider from some production runs showed signs of re-fermentation, causing increased carbonation levels. The company said the cider poses no threat to people who drink it.

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Tomme Arthur: A Long-Overdue Appreciation


Yesterday, I wrote a little quick post for my Facebook pages, in which I expressed my long-held admiration for Sam Calagione, lately prompted by his flat refusal to even meet with representatives of Anheuser Busch – aka InBev, or whatever they’re calling themselves this week – about the possibility of arranging “something similar” to the craft brewery deals that they’ve now done with Goose Island and Red Hook and….well, the rest of that roster of former craft breweries, all now absorbed into the Borg Collective that is The World’s Largest “Beer” Company.

Sam’s total lack of interest in aiding and abetting AB’s long-term plan to purchase its way into the craft beer cred it’s incapable of earning by making beer lit me up like a Christmas tree and I cranked out a little word of appreciation…which seems to have hit a nerve. The Pour Fool Facebook page is a thing which I originally set up to issue faster posts than I can do here. I’ve almost completely neglected it, sometimes going a month or more without posting anything. The post about Sam has now hit almost 2,000 likes and climbing.

maxresdefault (1)But readers who responded with their own paeans to Brother Calagione had an odd effect on me: it made me think of Tomme Arthur.

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A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Your Saturday 6-Pack, Vol.5): Saison

StillwaterArtisinal - cellardoor_crop2Said Theseus to Philostrate: “Stir up the Athenian youth to merriments. / Awake the pert and nimble spirits of mirth.”

And said a more contemporary Jane to Dick: “Get thee hither and fire up that damn lawnmower, for it has been more than a fortnight since you’ve put your sickle to a blade of grass!”

Back by popular demand, and just in time for the dog days of summer, Your Saturday Six-Pack. Let us raise a few glasses of suitable ale in honour of those days that occasion dreamy hallucinations. Bring on something crisp, dry, effervescent, fruity, and spicy!

Saison it is.

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Beer Talk With Jason Pellett of Orpheus Brewing


Pellett discusses his love for sour beers and what the future may hold for Orpheus.

Orpheus Brewing was born of two beers that brewmaster Jason Pellett concocted in his early days as a home brewer. Those beers, Lyric Ale and Atalanta are now two of Orpheus Brewing’s best-loved products and are regular fixtures on taps and shelves throughout Georgia. Eater spoke recently with Jason about life as a brewer, the allure of sour beer, and what the hold future holds for Orpheus Brewing.

Tell us a little bit about your background and how you became interested in beer.

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