Last Call: Anheuser-Busch Strikes Natural Light Hard Seltzer Deal with Big 12

Sounds terrible-PGA


A-B’s Natural Light Hard Seltzer and Big 12 Conference Announce Partnership

Anheuser-Busch and the Big 12 Conference announced a partnership this week to make Natural Light Seltzer the “Official Hard Seltzer of the Big 12 Conference.”

The sponsorship will include elements during games, online and social media, as well as advertising during the conference’s baseball, football, and men’s and women’s basketball championships, according to Forbes. The partnership is solely with the athletic conference, not the 10 universities within the league, the outlet noted.


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Founders Brewing Co-Founder Discusses Future Following Mahou San Miguel Deal

Following last week’s news that Spanish brewer Mahou San Miguel had agreed to acquire a controlling stake in Michigan’s Founders Brewing Company, co-founder Mike Stevens told Brewbound that his goal of building “America’s next great brewery” remains unchanged.

In fact, Stevens said Mahou’s investment brings that goal closer to reality.

Stevens, who along with co-founder Dave Engbers each retained a 5% stake in the brewery, said Founders now has the resources and knowledge base to build a “legacy brand.”

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Live At Hop And Brew School

Another year has passed and Denny’s visited one of his happy places! On this very special episode, Denny and Drew sit down and discuss what’s to be seen, heard and learned in the town that hops built. In the second half of the show, we go live to the lunch and learn podcast conducted in a soon to be filled hop warehouse. Learn more about the industry from some of the key players at Yakima Chief Hops, learn more about hops from John Palmer and hear from our drawing winner, Cassie Salinas about spending her first wedding anniversary in the hop fields!

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Beer is going to start disappearing from Utah store shelves, but the legislature is trying to water down the impact

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Salt Lake City

SALT LAKE CITY — You might want to stock up on beer before October 15.

That’s when beer distributors, grocery stores and convenience stores expect to see a noticeable decline in product from store shelves. Some shelves may be empty of six-packs until November 1, when stronger beer is introduced into bars, restaurants, grocery and convenience stores.

“You may see some of your bars, restaurants, grocery and c-stores not have your favorite. Maybe you’ll switch to a second favorite for a short time. It’s a growing pain the drinking population just has to endure for a couple of weeks,” Kate Bradshaw, the director of the Responsible Beer Choice Coalition said in an interview on “Utah Booze News: An Alcohol Policy Podcast” produced by FOX 13 and The Salt Lake Tribune.

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Federal Judge Grants MillerCoors Preliminary Injunction Blocking Bud Light ‘No Corn Syrup’ Packaging

“Fight! Fight! FIGHT!!!” -PGA
Anheuser-Busch InBev has until March 2, 2020, to sell through Bud Light packaging that contains language and an icon indicating that the top-selling beer in the U.S. contains “no corn syrup,” a federal judge ordered today.

Wednesday’s order is the latest development in the deceptive advertising lawsuit filed in March by MillerCoors against the world’s largest beer manufacturer. MillerCoors alleges that A-B’s Bud Light Super Bowl ads and subsequent “transparency” advertising campaign were aimed at tricking consumers into believing that Coors Light and Miller Lite contain high-fructose corn syrup. The advertisements that discussed Coors’ and Miller’s use of “corn syrup” — a different product — in the brewing process.

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Schneider Weisse: Wheat Beer between Tradition and Innovation

A journey to Kehlheim in eastern Bavaria is a journey to wheat beer nirvana. A charmingly unassuming town at the confluence of the Danube and the Altmühl Rivers, Kehlheim began life in the ninth century as a county seat. Through the ages it has served as the birthplace of Bavarian dukes, a waystation for the transport of wine, salt, fish, and wood, and a staging ground for Swedish troops bent on capturing Regensburg during the Thirty Years’ War. Nowadays Kehlheim attracts adventurers of a different type: cyclists passing through town along the Danube Cycling Path, day-trippers setting off on a river journey through the dramatic Danube Gorge to the equally stunning Kloster Weltenburg, and beer pilgrims thirsting after liquid redemption. Set amid gently undulated fields of wheat and barley and perched on the eastern edge of the Hallertau hop region, Kehlheim also happens to be the home of Schneider Weisse.

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FDA Recommends Pouring All Pumpkin Spice-Flavored Beverages Down Drain Immediately

U.S —As the nation plunges headlong into another fall season, the FDA has officially recommended pouring all pumpkin spice flavored beverages down the nearest drain immediately.

Stressing that they are “all just completely abhorrent and disgusting,” a spokesman for the agency confirmed Wednesday that the only safe and honorable course of action when confronted with a pumpkin spice latte, coffee, or beer this autumn is to quickly and without hesitation open the beverage and dump every drop of it down a nearby drain or toilet.

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