Profiled by Ken Carman for
Aroma: sweet, rhubarb-like with a scent of orange. Some pale malt in the background.
The mouthfeel and taste are where it really shines. While no heavy quaff, the caramel-ish malt in the back ground makes it have as firm, somewhat bready, feel to it. This blends well with the slightly sourish, rhubarb taste that hangs in the mouth long after you’ve swallowed. Orange peel, pineapple, rhubarb combined with hint of brett. Though head is substantial, carbonation is slight, but pricks the tongue slightly.
There’s a great sweetness that also lingers, just a hint of brown sugar.
Listed at 9%. Until it warms you’d never know.
Rate Beer has it at 93. Beer Advocate=89.
Some claim it a Belgian Strong Pale, some a Saison.
I think it’s just damn good.