Beer Profile: Fat Bottom’s Knock Out IPA

Profiled by Ken Carman for PGA


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OK, I’ve had a few questions regarding their brews over the years, and just their name. “Fat Bottom?” Really? Why don’t we just call it, “The Bring Me a Beer, Bitch, Brewery?” Then there was a coffee beer that was carbonation espresso. So, let’s just say, “had my doubts.”

The serving container was a can: 16oz.

Great head: very white pillow. Holds very well and thick. Hint of chill haze, but clarity good otherwise.

Mouthfeel: bitter, not heavy: heavy side of light. Pale malt, mostly.

Nose: hint of hop driven grapefruit and pale way in the background. there’ a hint of dusty, or musty. Pale malt, but the grapefruit-like hops are demanding, insistent. Nice slow bitter, low on flavor.

My only issue is mostly bitter: could use more flavor and nose.

Malt is faint but does support hops. Pale malt, mostly.

This is better than previous FBs I’ve had, so the overall is a 4 but specifically a
3.8: getting more taste is easy with hops. The boil here was a tad too long so it just went bitter.


Welcome to the PGA beer rating system: one beer “Don’t bother.” Two: Eh, if someone gives it to you, drink. Three: very good, go ahead and seek it out, but be aware there is at least one problem. Four: seek it out. Five: pretty much “perfecto.”


________________________________Beer HERE

martianKen Carman was born of a deity named Bill many moons ago when his wife Winnie was fermenting well at the time. He is a beer judge, beer writer and reviewer of brew-based business, beer commentator and BEER GOD. Do not challenge the one who ate too many hops one year, hence the green pigment you see to the left!

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