Beer Profile: Just Peachy by Ellicottville Brewing

Profiled by Ken Carman

I have been to this brewery many times, but not for quite a while. There’s one in Ellicottville: the original, and one in Freedonia, NY. Apparently there’s one on Chautauqua Lake now, Bemus Point. Have to check that out.

Says “sour ale with sweet peach and black tea.”

Appearance: long lasting white foam head with some pin point bubbles. Quite hazy: can barely see through. Straight up yellow. Great foam cling to edge glass: the cordon (glass edge) is solid foam. Meniscus murky foam atop murky quaff. SRM about 5-6, at best.

Aroma: peach pit dominates and juicy peach to a slight lesser extent. There’s a pepperiness to it that would be the black tea. No hops in aroma. Slight sour sense: not brett focused. No alcohol sense. Quite fresh smelling, as if just brewed.

Taste: slight peach yet that dominates. Finishes slightly sweet. No hops sensed. Malt is pale-ish and background. Slightly sour. Seems due to fruit. Very slight background alcohol sense. As it warms fruit reasserts itself. While finishes sweet also tad dry. Warmth brings out dry.

Mouthfeel: moderate carbonation, slight heavy wheat proteins-like sense. That provides what little body is here. The body is light bordering on medium. Just a little slick. Body improves with warmth a little too.

Overall: there’s really not enough here. Needs more of everything. As what they call a lawnmower beer “OK.” Even for that on a hot day I would like more. Nothing wrong, just needs more flavor. The lightness of it makes it boring. Smell better than taste or mouthfeel. So promising. Kind of a let down, not that much but some. Should be served warmer than most taps. That would almost make it a 4.

Untappd: 3.41
BA: 83



Welcome to the PGA beer rating system: one beer “Don’t bother.” Two: Eh, if someone gives it to you, drink. Three: very good, go ahead and seek it out, but be aware there is at least one problem. Four: seek it out. Five: pretty much “perfecto.”


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