Profiled by Maria Devan
I have happened upon a regional brewer that I am really starting to like a lot. Middle Ages in Syracuse. I bought a sixer from them called beast bitter and I almost had nothing to show for it because they disappeared that fast. Lucikly I put one away.
You have to love a brewer who has for their photo a half naked man inside of big mash tun wielding a paddle. Beast is a beast indeed. Pours beautifully. Nice and clear with a coppery and orange hues on a beautiful golden body. Off white head that did not last too long. Appearance is outstanding.
Nose is vivacious with malt. Biscuity and caramel. Firm dry caramel , none of that soft sweet stuff. The hops twinkle like fuggles do and show you soft earthy, woody spice. There is good citric backnote to them that makes them smell fresh and tangy and even a bit like zest. They also use cascade I think. Toasty malt is so crisp it’s almost crunchy in there. I love it! As you drink the beer it simply takes over your mouth and your will to fight. It’s abundant with malt. The hops are forward and keep forward until the very last moment in the swallow when you smile because it’s the malt that finishes this beer medium dry.
Taste is like toast! Lightly buttered and bitter. So delicious. The finish and the balance is what kept this beer in my glass until literally there was no more beer. Hops give an expert bitterness that never gains speed or strength. Steadfast, although it’s not really too gentle either. As all the flavor from malt fades, even the hop fruitiness fades off to tangerine pith but the bitter remains.
Outrageously good. I’ll take a few big mugs of that! I also hear that this brewer is using the ever elusive strain of yeast in this beer called Ringwood. I would love to know if that yeast is in any way responsible for the flavor that this beer has. You just can’t stop drinking it.
Welcome to the PGA beer rating system: one beer “Don’t bother.” Two: Eh, if someone gives it to you, drink. Three: very good, go ahead and seek it out, but be aware there is at least one problem. Four: seek it out. Five: pretty much “perfecto.”
____________________________________Beer HERE
Maria Devan. Not all three. Just the one in the middle.