Beer Profile: Scottish Stout by Bellhaven

Profiled by Ken Carman

The nose: roasted malt with a hint of peat. Appearance: obsidian black… what else did you expect? It even looks thick. Now the mouthfeel confirms the malt bill is a lot more complex than your typical Stout, and the OG a bit higher. Nice, moderate lasting, deep-tan head.

Not much in the hops arena, but with all this going on it would take a lot of hops to over come this. The mouth is filled with malt, chocolate, caramel: both in the dark; less sweet sense. Not a high abv quaff. About 4? There is some sweetness to it, but that seems more from unfermentables and, yes, that hint of smoke or peated malt.

A definite Scottish version of Stout, less “foreign extra,” more just an 80 turned stout-ish.

Very enjoyable: a recommend.

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