Beer Profile: Thirsty Dog’s Rise of the Mayan Dog

Profiled by Maria Devan

Thirsty Dog is a darn good brewer that has a number of styles and all representing well. I fell in love with Siberian night. They make a shwarzbier, a miabock, a lager, a scotch ale, a wee heavy, and this their Rise of Mayan Dog a stout made with chocolate and honey!

This pours lightly but with rich colors. Almost no head at first then tan fizzy and thin. Brown and rich with excellent clarity. nose is fragrant with honey, big roasty malt, chocolate.

I am in love already.

Hop pepper, flower petals. Fudgy with caramel and nutty.

Mouthfeel is light and the beer flows sweetly. Sultry roast brings all kinds of chocolate, nuts and honey cleanly and briskly across the palate like a silken piece of chocolate cake. A mouthfeel masterpiece.

This beer was like a love potion filled with spice, tempting with honey that actually lightened the finish to show you herbal hop pepper and a few bubbles. Lingers dark with some clean bitterness and strong flavors. Deceptively light and like a bouquet of scents and textures.



Welcome to the PGA beer rating system: one beer “Don’t bother.” Two: Eh, if someone gives it to you, drink. Three: very good, go ahead and seek it out, but be aware there is at least one problem. Four: seek it out. Five: pretty much “perfecto.”


__________________________________Beer HERE


mdMaria Devan lives in Ithaca, NY and is a great beer writer. That’s Maria in the middle. The other two are not, but they are lucky to have her as a friend.

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