Crux “Lawn Party” and “Cruising Altitude”: Two More Definitives from Bend

By now, you’ve read and heard quite enough wordplay about “Can Do” and the other dozen or so can-related descriptors that are applied to breweries which “buck the conventional wisdom” and put their suds into sealed metal cylinders. I’ll spare you another one and just observe that, if you are one of those benighted souls who STILL believes that cans are some cheap marketing trick or that you can “taste the can“, you should seriously think about getting with it. Cans are a FAR superior vessel, in nearly every way that matters, to glass bottles. They don’t suddenly spring leaks from the cap, don’t shatter and cover your floor or car or cooler with blood-seeking shards and stale beer aroma for two weeks, and they chill LOTS faster than do the traditional glass packaging.

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