Dogmatic Brewing (or, What Rudyard Kipling Can Teach Us About Beer)

Dogma (n.): a belief or set of beliefs that is accepted by the members of a group without being questioned or doubted. 

That’s the Merriam-Webster definition of “dogma,” and I never realized how much we run into this as brewers – until I started offering brewing advice to brewers.  We’re a pretty dogmatic bunch, it turns out.  Which sucks, because “Dogmatic Brewing” sounds like a pretty cool name for a brewery…

Since I started writing Beer Simple, I’ve offered in the Brewing posts a number of recommendations, suggestions, and commentaries on brewing.  Not that I expect that every one is a gem that needs to be adopted – far from it, in fact.  Brew your own way.  I heartily and happily acknowledge that I’m not a biologist, chemist, professional brewer, or metallurgist.  I like to think I’m just the friendly neighbor, chatting over the fence.  “Say, Bob, you ever think about putting that sprinkler on a timer?  Works well for me.”  Like that.

But often, the response isn’t just that someone isn’t interested in the advice (which is perfectly fine, of course – your beer, your rules!).  It’s that what I’m saying simply can’t be right.  But why not?  Shouldn’t the proof be in the Pilsner, so to speak?


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