Maria Devan with an Ithaca Brewing Update


Written by Maria Devan

Ithaca Beer has just released their country pumpkin! For me what makes a good pumpkin ale is the lightness of the beer based on abv. There are heavier pumpkin beers like Weyerbacher’s imperial pumpkin and lighter ones like Ithaca beer’s country pumpkin. Diacetyl is allowed in the pumpkin ale and it’s presence is the source of great debate and compunction between lover’s of this particular ale. As for me . . . I don’t mind it . . . in the right amount . . . in this style beer. Ithaca uses magnum hops and those are floral. For me it’s the cinnamon and spices that have to be light in this beer as well. If I remember right, last year Ithaca had a bright taste of ginger on a dry pie crust, with the nutmeg dominant not cinnamon , and a good taste of actual pumpkin although they used puree. Yep, they do again.

mdMaria Devan lives in Ithaca, NY and is a great beer writer. That’s Maria in the middle. The other two are not, but they are lucky to have her as a friend.


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