Meantime Brewery Tour: London

From Wiki…

It was founded in 2000 by Brewmaster,Alastair Hook,[1] who trained at the world famous brewing school at the Technical University of Munich of Weihenstephan. The Greenwich Brewery, home of the Meantime Brewing Company, is located 0° 2′ 12″ east of the Greenwich Meridian, though the brewery will be moving to new premises in 2010.

This mission driven company aims to help the consumer rediscover their cultural and culinary beer heritage, which it believes has, in the UK at least, largely been lost as beer manufacture has been concentrated in the hands of a smaller number of ever bigger brewers, who do not wish the consumer to have any great understanding or appreciation of beer.

Since its establishment Meantime has built a worldwide reputation for both quality and for the authentic recreation of several of the world’s iconic and pivotal beer styles. Its India Pale Ale and London Porter (beer) are generally regarded as being amongst the most historically accurate recreations of these beers available today.

Meantime has matched its reputation for autheticity with one for innovation. Its CoffeePorter – launched in 2005 – was Britain’s first Fairtrade beer (using coffee from the Maraba Coffee cooperative of Rwanda), and went on to win a gold medal at the 2006 World Beer Cup. Meantime was the first British brewery to win medals at the World Beer Cup in 2004 and is the only British brewery to have won medals at every WBC since. In 2007 Meantime had no fewer than four beers ranked in the ‘Worlds 50 Best Beers’ as compiled by the UK based International Beer Challenge; a feat it repeated in 2008.

As a consequence of Meantime’s stiving to raise the bar of British brewing Alastair Hook was named the 2008 Brewer of the Year by the British Guild of Beer Writers.

The tour video tour guide from The Guardian visits with a Meantime brewer. Our video tour guide makes the tour even better! Want to watch? Click…


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