Beer Profile: Ommegang Rosetta Ale (aged on cherries)

Profiled by Ken Carman

Cherry nose with a light pale malt background for the nose. Almost perfumy. Tis pleasing an inviting.

Off white pillow head that fades fast, a little redish. A little hazy, but that could be chill haze. Legs rise fast. Some glass coat.

Firm cherry flavor, less juice than actual cherries. Slightest hint of skin. Ale behind this is light to the palate intensity-wise, but on the lower side of medium. Obviously the cherry is the star here.

Mouthfeel: firm foamy carbonation like foam in a sea wave without the salt. Low side medium body. Quite pleasurable.

The best Ommegang beer I’ve had. They always play a little too safe for me. Almost a wine

90 and 90 BA

Readers: for now we are using only BA since InBev owns Rate Beer. We may get UnTappd but their site security is done with something that resembles a bad version of Candy Crush!



Welcome to the PGA beer rating system: one beer “Don’t bother.” Two: Eh, if someone gives it to you, drink. Three: very good, go ahead and seek it out, but be aware there is at least one problem. Four: seek it out. Five: pretty much “perfecto.”


________________________________________Beer HERE


116 of the Best Saisons, Blind-Tasted and Ranked

116 of the Best Saisons, Blind-Tasted and Ranked

In the course of conducting this tasting, the regular crew of Paste blind tasters hit upon an essay prompt of a question: If you could only drink one beer style ever again, what would it be?

The almost expected answer, at least at this point in the American craft beer experiment, would be IPA—or perhaps pale ale for the drinker favoring approachability rather than all-out hop decadence. But over the course of nine days tasting farmhouse ales, many of us came to a new conclusion. It’s the most versatile, eclectic and adaptable of all beer styles. Like champagne is to wine, saison is to beer—you can pair it with anything, and a variant exists for any situation.

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Beer in Ancient Egypt

Considering the value the ancient Egyptians placed on enjoying life, it is no surprise that they are known as the first civilization to perfect the art of brewing beer. The Egyptians were so well known as brewers, in fact, that their fame eclipsed the actual inventors of the process, the Sumerians, even in ancient times. The Greeks, who were not great fans of the drink, wrote of the Egyptian’s skill while largely ignoring the Mesopotamians.

Image result for egyptian red beer

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Could an Upstate NY firm have built the China-made beer tanks floating past its factory


LITTLE FALLS, NY — Today a set of huge beer fermentation tanks destined for the Genesee Brewery in Rochester will float down the Erie Canal past a factory in Little Falls.

They will pass just 100 feet or so in front of a plant owned by Feldmeier Equipment, a Syracuse-based company that makes stainless tanks similar to those heading to the brewery in Rochester.

But the 12 big beer tanks on the canal weren’t made by Feldmeier, or even by an American company. They were made by a company called the Lehui Group in China and shipped 6,000 miles, ending with a 225-mile journey along the canal (they’re too big to move by truck).


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Beer Profile: Southern Tier Why the Helles Not

Profiled by Maria Devan

Pours clear and golden with a fast falling head of white creamy foam. Nose is light and golden with malt. By light I mean that the malt is not complex. It is golden and bready but does not offer any toasted flavor. Hops are just present on the nose but shy. Soft floral shows a bit of grass from hops. As the beer sits it will also show you some pepper and spice. No diacetyl, no fruity esters from yeast, faint dms perfect for the style. Drinks smoothly and imo better than last year. No rough edges on this one it goes down with plenty of satisfaction. Hops remain shy on the palate but they impart their cool breath to the beer. Finishes perfectly. Malty with a crisp bubble and just a little bitterness to linger. Exemplary! In fact I would say put this up against any German import.



Welcome to the PGA beer rating system: one beer “Don’t bother.” Two: Eh, if someone gives it to you, drink. Three: very good, go ahead and seek it out, but be aware there is at least one problem. Four: seek it out. Five: pretty much “perfecto.”


__________________________Beer HERE



Profiled by Maria Devan who lives high on a hill over looking Ithaca, NY. Look! If you live in Ithaca there she is with her field glasses spying on you! Are you drinking a beer worthy of attention. Beware, she’s Ithaca’s beer police. Can’t you hear the siren on he bike as she rolls down the hill? We kid. She’s been writing for us for many years now. We’re lucky to have her.

A 160-year-old Minnesota beer is coming back to life on Friday

When Cold Spring Brewing retired Gluek Beer in 2010, after decades of the brew passing through different ownership hands and struggling to survive, the company had lost hope for the historic label.

“They told me ‘Nobody cares about Gluek Beer except you,’ ” Linda Rae Holcomb said. “That really fueled me.”

So Holcomb, whose family connection to the legendary lager dates back to prohibition, took matters into her own hands. In 2015, she obtained the trademark and copyrights for the 160-year-old beer. Then she found a German chemist to rewrite the recipe and enlisted a Denver brewing company to handle production.

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Beer Profile: Long Trail Summer Ale

Image courtesy Bangor Daily News

Profiled by Maria Devan

Cheers you all.. My camera broke and my phone only has 2 mp. That is a real let down for me. Anyway, I am getting a new one but not today. New Beer Sunday is coming so I thought I would TELL you about Long Trail Summer Ale. In the old bjcp it says something about the kolsch style beer.

“To the untrained taster easily mistaken for a light lager, a somewhat subtle Pilsner, or perhaps a blonde ale.”

With the idea of the authenticity of the kolsch and the appellation designation in mind, calling your beer a blonde or simply an ale and presenting a kolsch might be entirely well done. I believe this is a great example of this bjcp statement. Pretty clear and softly golden with a white head that lasts well. The nose is fresh breaddy and has a graceful hop floral accented by a light fruity twang. It resembles the kolsch. Is that fruity ester a little too strong? It is slightly “wine like” anyway. Hops are a bit more than modest and the malt is creamy and round but not as breaddy as the pilsner. I would say the bubble gives that malt a bit of extra dryness. The hops are restrained in the finish and show no herbal. Just a clean medium bitterness. What is missing is the slight pucker in the kolsch. That would distinguish this beer and it is very subtle. Finishes bitter with hop pepper and crackery malt. A touch too much bite in the bubbles.

Fragrant and mild this is a lovely summer beer.



Welcome to the PGA beer rating system: one beer “Don’t bother.” Two: Eh, if someone gives it to you, drink. Three: very good, go ahead and seek it out, but be aware there is at least one problem. Four: seek it out. Five: pretty much “perfecto.”


____________________Beer HERE



Profiled by Maria Devan who lives high on a hill over looking Ithaca, NY. Look! If you live in Ithaca there she is with her field glasses spying on you! Are you drinking a beer worthy of attention. Beware, she’s Ithaca’s beer police. Can’t you hear the siren on he bike as she rolls down the hill? We kid. She’s been writing for us for many years now. We’re lucky to have her.

Lupulin Powder vs. Pellets Experiment

Intense juicy and resinous hop flavor and aroma, less astringent vegetal flavors while using half the amount of hop material–I’m interested! In this article, I look at some of the research surrounding hops, proteins, and clarity and how those might apply to using a new product called lupulin powder. I brew an experimental side-by-side Mosaic pellet to Mosaic lupulin powder beer and reach out to two breweries who have been included in the testing stages of LupuLN2 to get their opinions and results.

YCH Hops was nice enough to send me samples of their Mosaic lupulin powder product called LupuLN2, which they describe as being a purified lupulin powder containing most of the resin compounds and aromatic oils derived directly from whole hop flowers. They create LupuLN2 with a proprietary cryogenic separation process that preserves the aromatic hop components and removes most of the vegetal leafy material.

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