Beer Profile: Blue Pants’ Peanut Butter Pinstripe Stout

Profiled by Ken Carman

pgaprofile Big rock head combined with some pillow, a slightly brown head holds and holds. Deep obsidian: 38 srm or more.

84 at BA.

83 at RB.

Peanut butter nose, but slight, some chocolate malt, slightest hint of roasted barley at best.

Taste is peanut butter, followed by the ghost of darker malts lingering in the background. To be honest to be more a “stout” could use just a hint more roasted barley.

Mouthfeel is full and a tad slick. Complex mix between a slight stick to the roof of the mouth peanut butter sense.

Peanut butter focus too high, a bit out of balance: though not excessive. Just needs more stout character. Not much: slight.

Says “export stout.” EXPORT? Hell, no. More a dry sweetened by…? …and peanut butter. Millie thought the sweet was lactose, I’m guessing that’s the chocolate… did they add milk chocolate or just malts? That also may explain a lactose sense. All I got was maybe chocolate MALTS.

Coffee? WHERE? Maybe slightest hint at best?

This is a pleasing, quite drinkable, quaff. But needs more to be as claimed.



Welcome to the PGA beer rating system: one beer “Don’t bother.” Two: Eh, if someone gives it to you, drink. Three: very good, go ahead and seek it out, but be aware there is at least one problem. Four: seek it out. Five: pretty much “perfecto.”


___________________________________Beer HERE

martianKen Carman was born of a deity named Bill many moons ago when his wife Winnie was fermenting well at the time. That’s what they called it then, “fermenting,” though the yeast from same said vessel is really NOT suited for brewing. He is a beer judge, beer writer and reviewer of brew-based business, beer commentator and just a strange dude. He was a leprechaun last Halloween, and he could never get the green ink off.

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